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Child Psychological Maltreatment 101


Essentials from the knowledge base presented by Dr. Amy J.L. Baker, Dr. Marla Brassard, and Dr. Stuart Hart 


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The Psychological Maltreatment Alliance is a cooperative initiative that develops and promotes research, policy, and education and training to help professionals and parents eliminate psychological maltreatment and promote child well-being.




Professional Development

Members of The Alliance individually and collectively provide training nationally and internationally on the topic of Psychological Maltreatment for both professional and lay audiences. The Alliance is also creating a Train-the-Trainer model in order to increase the reach of The Alliance’s training efforts. For more information about our training efforts click here.



The Alliance conducts original research on issues related to psychological maltreatment of children, its causes and consequences. For more information about our research efforts click here.



Members of The Alliance work individually and collectively to create change in multiple sectors in order to prevent psychological maltreatment and to promote the well-being of children and families.




Mel Schneiderman, Ph.D.

Senior Vice President - Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection of the New York Foundling



Amy J.L. Baker, Ph.D.

Director of Research - Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection of the New York Foundling


Bart Klika, MS

Chief Research Officer- Prevent Child Abuse America



Marla R. Brassard, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology and Education - Teachers College, Columbia University



Roslyn Murov, M.D.

Chief Psychiatrist - The New York




Sirrilla D. Blackmon, MSW

Deputy Director/ Commissioner for Mental Health and Wellness services - Indiana Family and Social Services Administration


Stuart Hart, Ph.D.

Principal of Strategic Initiatives - International Institute for Child Rights & Development



Leslie Schmerler, MA

Director - Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection of the New York Foundling




American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

APSAC is a nonprofit, national multi-disciplinary professional society with a mission to improve society's response to the abuse and neglect of its children. APSAC envisions a world where all maltreated or at-risk children and their families have access to the highest level of professional commitment and service. Especially important to APSAC is the dissemination of state-of-the-art practice in all professional disciplines related to child abuse and neglect. Click here for the APSAC website.



International Institute for Child Rights & Development

The International Institute for Child Rights & Development (IICRD) vision is for children, their families and communities to thrive in a world where there is dignity, belonging, and justice for all. Its projects and initiatives catalyze change, transformation, and healing for the most vulnerable young people in Canada and around the world. Click here for more information.



New York Foundling's Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection

The mission of the Vincent J. Fontana Center for Child Protection is to prevent child maltreatment and promote the well-being of at-risk children through advocacy, professional development, public education, research and partnering with other like organizations and national leaders. The New York Foundling, in the tradition of openness and compassion of its sponsors, the Sisters of Charity, helps children, youth, adults, and families in need through services, supports, and advocacy that strengthen family and community and help each individual reach their full potential. For more information, click here. The Fontana Center also sponsors the National Initiative to End Corporal Punishment and New York State Initiative to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse



Teachers College, Columbia University

Teachers College was founded on the proposition that education alone can’t correct our society’s inequalities — that to maximize the life chances of all people, we must also support poorer communities’ physical and nutritional health and psychological well-being. Thus, fields such as educational psychology, nursing education, nutrition education, special education, conflict resolution and spirituality and education were created at TC, and for more than a century we have prepared psychologists, nutritionists, health educators, speech pathologists and other professionals, as well as teachers and school leaders. Click here for more information.



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